tisdag 1 maj 2012

Bokcirkel på AF

Imorgon ska jag träffa Lundastudenter som är nyfikna på Angela Davis. Tack Karin Green i Tamam som tagit initiativet till den här bokcirkeln!  Här en kommentar som skrev jag på Facebook:
I'm really looking forward to this opportunity of meeting you tomorrow around Angela Davis' work and ideas! Thank you Karin for the initiative!
    Have dug out gems from the 70s, for example the issue of Der Spiegel from November 1971 with AD on the cover and as the feature article, and AD's own brilliant defense statement in her court trial of March 1972. Will present her "critical race theory", as well as her persistent struggle against the prison industrial complex which now looms even larger as a central human rights issue in the United States. I will show you AD's Are Prisons Obsolete? (2003). A video clip from an Occupy Wall Street meeting in New York of October 2011 will give you a sense of AD today.
   AD's analysis of U.S. history in Women, Race and Class was one of the great eye-openers for me as a student of American Studies in the 1980s. Recently retired after thirty years of teaching and research, my first major writing project is about three of the many outstanding African American women activists in U.S. history: Harriet Tubman, Ella Baker and Lorraine Hansberry. Right now I'm focusing on slavery times and the early life of Harriet Tubman. It is all related. See you tomorrow!

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