I inlägget den 27 december 2009 visade jag en bild på Delores och hennes vänner när de klädde ut sig till en grekisk urna. Här är lite mer info "straight from the horse's, or urn's, mouth":
When was it?
" October 1988, Halloween."
How many were you?
"There were 6 of us as part of the vase and 2 people dressed as Greeks of the time period who read about the vase. We were the Odalisque Society and had presented a painting - we were each a puzzle piece - the year before. This year our new work was called "Face on a Vase". We were just a group of friends who liked to have a good time together. There was also a handout which one person handed out about the significance of the vase, while one person read the poem. I have it and can send it to you."
How did you do it?
"My friends Stephen Snyder and Gene Kim (who wrote the book I sent you) were the masterminds. Stephen figured out how to build the construction, which took some doing. It was about 6 feet, 4 inches. We all had to wear a piece of plyboard on our heads, supported by an apparatus on our shoulders. For those people who were short like me this was a problem, since it was heavy. Our costumes had to all end at the same part, the top of the vase, so our headdresses' height depended on our height. Months of work to construct everything. We all did the painting of the cloth at my house on S Street, since I had the most room and the least furniture. Stephen made most of the wooden underlying structures before by hand."
Where did you perform?
"We went to the Kennedy Center lobby and also to the National Gallery of Art outside and just on the street. It was street performance and was somewhat spontaneous. Gene and Stephen recited the poem and put us together in the right order to make the vase, since we couldn't see what we were doing."
"I recall how difficult it was for Stephen to figure out how to solve the difference in height, and how hard it was for me to carry this foot long wooden form on my head. When the wind blew it felt like I was going to be blown over. But I enjoyed the reaction of viewers. People were astounded at this larger than life human occupied vase."
Fram för galna påhitt!
Ja galna påhitt blir det säkert här i Lund med, för det är KARNEVALSÅR! Tjo vad det blir livat i stan i maj!
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